Top Stories : Sapphire anuncia el enclosure eGFX GearBox 500 Thunderbolt 3 PULSE RX 6600XT de 8 GB
SAPPHIRE Technology announces the new SAPPHIRE GearBox 500 Thunderbolt 3 eGFX enclosure now available as a solution with the PULSE AMD Radeon RX 6600 XT 8GB AMD RDNA 2 graphics card. The Gearbox 500 eGFX enclosure features an updated chassis design with improved airflow which when connected to the latest graphics cards dramatically improves the… Continue reading Sapphire anuncia el...
Sapphire anuncia el enclosure eGFX GearBox 500 Thunderbolt 3 PULSE RX 6600XT de 8 GB
from : Today in 24 English

SAPPHIRE Technology announces the new SAPPHIRE GearBox 500 Thunderbolt 3 eGFX enclosure now available as a solution with the PULSE AMD Radeon RX 6600 XT 8GB AMD RDNA 2 graphics card. The Gearbox 500 eGFX enclosure features an updated chassis design with improved airflow which when connected to the latest graphics cards dramatically improves the… Continue reading Sapphire anuncia el...
Sapphire anuncia el enclosure eGFX GearBox 500 Thunderbolt 3 PULSE RX 6600XT de 8 GB
from : Today in 24 English