Top Stories : Is Pedro Castillo closer to the vacancy after meeting secret meetings in Breña?
Last Saturday, opposition politicians participated in a march in favor of the presidential vacancy. Photo: Twitter. When the congresswoman from Avanza País, Patricia chirinos placeholder image, announced in the Plenary of Congress that it had already drawn up a motion for presidential vacancy for moral incapacity against the president Pedro CastilloMany doubted that he would… Continue reading Is Pedro Castillo...
Is Pedro Castillo closer to the vacancy after meeting secret meetings in Breña?
from : Today in 24 English

Last Saturday, opposition politicians participated in a march in favor of the presidential vacancy. Photo: Twitter. When the congresswoman from Avanza País, Patricia chirinos placeholder image, announced in the Plenary of Congress that it had already drawn up a motion for presidential vacancy for moral incapacity against the president Pedro CastilloMany doubted that he would… Continue reading Is Pedro Castillo...
Is Pedro Castillo closer to the vacancy after meeting secret meetings in Breña?
from : Today in 24 English