Top Stories : The paddle boom reaches footballers: “It is a profitable business because it is addictive”
“It was impossible to foresee that an unknown virus would detonate the definitive explosion of this first cousin of tennis.” The column ‘Locos por el padel’, written by the journalist Manuel Maira a week ago, explains the history and the challenges of fashion sports in Chile. Something that two soccer players know very well: Roberto… Continue reading The paddle boom...
The paddle boom reaches footballers: “It is a profitable business because it is addictive”
from : Today in 24 English

“It was impossible to foresee that an unknown virus would detonate the definitive explosion of this first cousin of tennis.” The column ‘Locos por el padel’, written by the journalist Manuel Maira a week ago, explains the history and the challenges of fashion sports in Chile. Something that two soccer players know very well: Roberto… Continue reading The paddle boom...
The paddle boom reaches footballers: “It is a profitable business because it is addictive”
from : Today in 24 English