Top Stories : They confirm the cause of death of Thiago Esquivel in the Dique la Quebrada
The death of Thiago Esquivel in the Dique la Quebrada, he added new elements to the investigation after the result of the autopsy was known. Last Monday the 16-year-old had gone on an excursion together with his companions from Workshops. After noticing that he was not found, a search operation was activated that culminated in… Continue reading They confirm the...
They confirm the cause of death of Thiago Esquivel in the Dique la Quebrada
from : Today in 24 English

The death of Thiago Esquivel in the Dique la Quebrada, he added new elements to the investigation after the result of the autopsy was known. Last Monday the 16-year-old had gone on an excursion together with his companions from Workshops. After noticing that he was not found, a search operation was activated that culminated in… Continue reading They confirm the...
They confirm the cause of death of Thiago Esquivel in the Dique la Quebrada
from : Today in 24 English