Top Stories : Saving at this point seems to force you to reset the game in Pokémon Shiny Diamond and Shining Pearl – Nintenderos
We bring you an important message shared recently that relates to one of the most prominent titles in the catalog on the hybrid console. This time we are talking about Pokémon Shiny Diamond and Shimmering Pearl. After learning information about which starter to choose, the bicycle, the Poké-clock, Fishing, the rare candies, how to get… Continue reading Saving at this...
Saving at this point seems to force you to reset the game in Pokémon Shiny Diamond and Shining Pearl – Nintenderos
from : Today in 24 English

We bring you an important message shared recently that relates to one of the most prominent titles in the catalog on the hybrid console. This time we are talking about Pokémon Shiny Diamond and Shimmering Pearl. After learning information about which starter to choose, the bicycle, the Poké-clock, Fishing, the rare candies, how to get… Continue reading Saving at this...
Saving at this point seems to force you to reset the game in Pokémon Shiny Diamond and Shining Pearl – Nintenderos
from : Today in 24 English