Top Stories : In Colombia people age very fast
In Colombia there is an accelerated demographic aging of the population. This was announced by the director of the National Administrative Department of Statistics (Dane), Juan Daniel Oviedo, who indicated that 13.9% of the population, about 7.1 million people residing in Colombia, are 60 years of age or older. “The 2018 population and housing census,… Continue reading In Colombia people...
In Colombia people age very fast
from : Today in 24 English

In Colombia there is an accelerated demographic aging of the population. This was announced by the director of the National Administrative Department of Statistics (Dane), Juan Daniel Oviedo, who indicated that 13.9% of the population, about 7.1 million people residing in Colombia, are 60 years of age or older. “The 2018 population and housing census,… Continue reading In Colombia people...
In Colombia people age very fast
from : Today in 24 English