Top Stories : The autopsy was known to Thiago Esquivel, the young man who died in the La Quebrada dam – Vía País
The autopsy of Thiago Esquivel, the young man who died in the La Quebrada dam, was knownVia Country Workshops – Vélez: this was the tribute to the youth Thiago EsquivelThe voice of the interior They confirm the cause of death of Thiago Esquivel in the Dique la QuebradaCba24n They reveal what the youth of Talleres… Continue reading The autopsy was...
The autopsy was known to Thiago Esquivel, the young man who died in the La Quebrada dam – Vía País
from : Today in 24 English

The autopsy of Thiago Esquivel, the young man who died in the La Quebrada dam, was knownVia Country Workshops – Vélez: this was the tribute to the youth Thiago EsquivelThe voice of the interior They confirm the cause of death of Thiago Esquivel in the Dique la QuebradaCba24n They reveal what the youth of Talleres… Continue reading The autopsy was...
The autopsy was known to Thiago Esquivel, the young man who died in the La Quebrada dam – Vía País
from : Today in 24 English